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Barbican Box Life Rewired: Human and Technology
Overall Theme:
"Reacting to the Internet"
How we react based on the five main emotions which are,
"Joy, Fear, Anger, Sadness and Love"
by using shapes, line and colours to express them.
I was the director, animator, and designed the visual guide and overall theme.

Joy 4

Joy 5

Fear 4

Fear 5

Anger 4

Anger 5 - Joined Animation with Francesca Agolli

Sadness 4

Love 4
We produced looping 5 to 10 second 30 animations as a team for the Barbican Centre: Barbican Box Life Rewired concert. We were given the five emotions (see above) from the Barbican Centre, and had to create animations that expressed those emotions. Our animations were played by a VJ, and projected on a screen.
Each member made 8 animations (2 of the animations were animated between two members). Our main colour was Green, then the team was able to choose two more colours (pink and blue).

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